There are a number of ways living with fibromyalgia can prevent people from living the lives they envision. From causing chronic pain that can make getting a full night’s rest impossible, to anxiety caused by ramifications of the side effects, life with Fibromyalgia can be a challenge.
Another barrier for some people living with fibromyalgia to overcome is the reality of conventional pain medication not being able to provide the relief necessary in living a functional, fulfilling life. That’s where using medical marijuana for fibromyalgia becomes a convenient option.
More facts about the ways medical marijuana improves quality of life for medical marijuana patients with fibromyalgia include:
By Providing Relief From Chronic Pain
Multiple experiments conducted by scientists have demonstrated evidence supporting the claim that marijuana can be effective at treating pain caused by fibromyalgia. Many of the people who participated in research studies experienced that cannabis actually had a mild or significant impact in relieving their pain.
In fact, a study conducted as recently as 2021 concluded that although more research needs to be conducted in order to nail down exact dosages, marijuana is an effective option when it comes to treating fibromyalgia. Since that’s the case, it’s natural to wonder why that’s the case.
The main reason why medical marijuana is an effective option for treating fibromyalgia pain is because of its ability to communicate with the endocannabinoid system. According to the research, THC is the cannabinoid that provides the therapeutic relief people living with fibromyalgia seek. When it comes to treating fibromyalgia related pain with medical marijuana, the best practice is to start with smaller dosages and lower levels of THC.
By Helping to Calm Anxiety Caused by Fibromyalgia
What lots of people don’t realize is that the symptoms of fibromyalgia can lead to levels of pain that make it unbearable to complete even the most basic tasks. Since that’s the case, the condition can lead to levels of isolation. This can cause a decline in mental health leading to anxiety or depression. Fortunately medical marijuana can be a helpful resource in helping people overcome these types of obstacles.
People dealing with anxiety-related symptoms as a result of fibromyalgia are likely to benefit from products that are high in CBD. The good news for fibromyalgia patients is that CBD is widely accepted as a resource in helping people reduce anxiety levels.
There are a variety of CBD products available for Ohioans with access to medical marijuana to choose from, too. All of the CBD products that are on the shelves at medical marijuana dispensaries in Ohio have been tested and approved by the pharmacy board for safety and potency, too.
By Making it Easier to Get a Full Night’s Rest
Not being able to get a good night’s sleep can lead to several other short and long-term health ramifications. From ongoing fatigue throughout the day to high blood pressure, the ways sleep deprivation can affect a person are highly detrimental.
Unfortunately lots of people living with fibromyalgia regularly fail to get a healthy amount of sleep every night for numerous reasons. Whether it’s caused by nerve pain or a migraine, insomnia caused by fibromyalgia can be treated with medical marijuana.
There is an abundance of research that has been completed supporting the use of medical marijuana as a sleeping aid. There are numerous different products available capable of improving the sleep of medical marijuana patients at Ohio dispensaries, too.
Some of those strains include Gelato, Hindu Kush, ACDC, Grandaddy Purple and Harlequin. Patients at medical marijuana dispensaries can purchase the Firelands Scientific Gelato Fuel Cartridge at Rise dispensaries throughout the state.
Obtaining a Medical Marijuana Card Allows it to Be Used to Treat Fibromyalgia Symptoms Legally in Ohio
Having an alternative method of treating fibromyalgia symptoms can be an excellent resource in improving the quality of life for someone living with it. That’s why people living with fibromyalgia benefit from learning more about the benefits of medical marijuana consumption for relief from fibromyalgia symptoms.
Doing so is as easy as calling (866)457-5559 to speak with a patient support representative who can answer any questions you have about medical marijuana.
Afterwards, make an appointment with a medical marijuana physician who is able to get you approved for a medical marijuana card. Doing so could be the key to receiving the therapeutic relief you deserve.
Doctors Who Care.
Relief You Can Trust.
Here at Ohio Marijuana Card, our goal is to help everyone achieve wellness safely and conveniently through increased access to medical marijuana. Our focus on education, inclusion, and acceptance will reduce the stigma for our patients by providing equal access to timely information and compassionate care.
If you have any questions, call us at (866) 457-5559, or simply book a medical marijuana evaluation to start getting relief you can trust today!
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